AMPS Board Endorses Proposition 38

The Advocates for Malibu Public Schools (AMPS) board endorses the “Our Children, Our Future: Local Schools and Early Education Investment Act.”

From the “Yes on 38” website:

Proposition 38 is the only education initiative on the ballot because it guarantees that new education dollars go straight to every local school, and can be used to restore cuts to improve student learning.

Instead of investing in our schools, political leaders from both parties have been cutting. Since 2008, they’ve cut school budgets by $20 billion. Over 40,000 educators have been laid off, and California now has the largest class sizes in the nation.

Because of this, Proposition 38 was created and is endorsed by the California State PTA, school districts, education advocates, and the Advancement Project, with funding from civil rights attorney Molly Munger.

We believe our children deserve better.

Prop 38 raises $10 billion a year for schools, puts it into a secure trust fund that Sacramento politicians can’t touch, and distributes the money evenly on a per-child basis to every public school.

Click here to learn more about how Proposition 38 works.

We invite Californians from all parts of the state, of all backgrounds and political affiliations, to join this campaign to finally make a real, transformative investment in the education of our children. If we can count you in, click here.

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